Check out their AMM or join their telegram channel!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- || Duck explorer for Play2Earn NFT GameFi | BATTLE for collective farm, go to Play to Earn at Waves Ducks
General       || Auction sales | Ready? AIM! --> FIRE! | Eggs? | Spicey? | Quack! |
Ducks         || ProofOfDuck | Crack! | NSFW! | WhatTheDuck!? | ClashOfFarms | Arise! | Grow! |
Turtles       || AllSpicedUp | Pop! | SlowPr0n! | WhatTheShell!? | Ashes? |
You can now show your love to by adding us as your referral!, or join our community farm with a minimum investment of 0.01 EGG!

Duck collective farms stats  [last update Apr 26 2024 04:42:01 UTC]:

Total number of ducks on collective farms: 83
Total number of collective farms: 7
Total number of players in collective farms: 2051
Total number of collective only players: 1664
Total number of EGG invested: 9224.90
Total farming Power: 289815
Total collective farming Power: 0

Collective farm statistics:

                                                                                           #Ducks               Empty  Free      Farming power                 Estimated EGG per:               EGG           EGG        Waves       Farm                Staked    True
 Rank                 Farm                           Name             |Active stakes|#Tot|HODL|Farm|Sale|Battle|Perch|Mantle|      (average)     %PoD    | Day  | Week  | Month  |  Year   |  Invested   |  Balance  |  Balance  |   APY    | Staked   |   APY   |  APY
    1 3P3ohGCRmJzjTsP7RQ7jZV7QNw76wB1Nsnn ($EGG Point               ) |        238  |  41|  35|   0|   4|     2|    0|    12|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |     276.77  |     5.42  |     5.69  |   0.00%  |   162.20 |   0.00% |   0.00% $EGG Point detail page
    2 3PJc5HTXgVWL7CYCec3huKJUtTPwJCNmMDF (Duxplorer Community Farm ) |        908  |   7|   6|   0|   0|     1|    0|     0|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |    2663.78  |    29.99  |     2.00  |   0.00%  |  1987.55 |   0.00% |   0.00% Duxplorer Community Farm detail page
    3 3PCMKXu9r2ZNSxuLgnwoPXsWYhq6nMDADNo (BlackTurtle Farm         ) |        677  |   3|   0|   0|   0|     3|    0|    28|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |    2225.16  |    62.19  |    15.01  |   0.00%  |  1623.15 |   0.00% |   0.00% BlackTurtle Farm detail page
    4 3PEVpbeDDkjmKqiMm25MgMZfazR7U1Eivzi (KOLKHOZ                  ) |        327  |  18|  18|   0|   0|     0|    0|     5|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |     426.66  |     8.92  |     6.50  |   0.00%  |   251.88 |   0.00% |   0.00% KOLKHOZ detail page
    5 3P3UMGin66fAe39AhJf5whS2Yabu6dZAmCF (FOMO Farms               ) |        512  |   1|   1|   0|   0|     0|    0|    11|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |    1500.49  |     0.36  |     0.71  |   0.00%  |   632.67 |   0.00% |   0.00% FOMO Farms detail page
    6 3PKbd7pfmyaKWt6msaNAXyYUkuaumpea3bb (Granja Latina            ) |        545  |   4|   3|   0|   0|     1|    0|    17|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |    1163.70  |     0.35  |     0.37  |   0.00%  |   580.23 |   0.00% |   0.00% Granja Latina detail page
    7 3PEv4CE8moSLoAJw5y1bkiRMhtUF1nPRTfx (The Duck Street          ) |        329  |   9|   9|   0|   0|     0|    0|     1|       0 (  0.00)   0.00%   | 0.00 |  0.00 |   0.00 |    0.00 |     968.33  |     0.00  |     0.62  |   0.00%  |   494.89 |   0.00% |   0.00% The Duck Street detail page